25 Ways to Rock New Year's Eve With The kids
This is a MUST Share with all my parents!!!! Stacy with Soccer Mom Blog recently posted this awesome blog!!! Enjoy and Happy New Year!!
Spending NYE at home as a family? Grab this list of easy and exciting ideas and activities to rock New Year’s Eve with Kids!
Before kids, my idea of the “perfect” New Years Eve was a little bit different: dressing up, hitting the town, and probably spending more money than I intended.
In recent years, my husband and I have stayed in for New Years Eve with the kids, and I think I might just enjoy those cozy nights as a family even more!

If you’re going to spend New Year’s Eve with kids, it helps to have a plan! Activities, party games, and themed snacks can make the night go by smoothly until it’s time for the ball to drop. It also lets kids feel more involved and understand the significance of the celebration.
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New Year’s Eve with Kids Activities
This list is full of fun ideas for an exciting New Year’s Eve with Kids from our favorite
family bloggers. Click on the links below for full tutorials/instructions:
DIY Confetti Poppers by Happiness is Homemade
New Year’s Eve Family Games by Playtivities
Glow in the Dark Ring Toss by a Pumpkin and a Princess
New Year’s Eve Bingo by Playdough to Playto
Party Horn Photo Props by Pink Stripey Socks
Mini Ball Drop by One Artsy Mama
Balloon Popping Countdown by How Does She
Countdown Clock Craft by Buggy and Buddy
Confetti Science by Little Bins for Little Hands
Marshmallow Clocks by Nifty Mom
DIY Classic Party Hats by Girl Inspired
Countdown Banner by the Crafting Chicks
Confetti Balloons by Design Improvised
Build A Family Time Capsule by the Idea Room
Paper Cup Party Poppers by Red Ted Art